
It was a collaboration with the Japanese Painter, Tomio Isahai who worked in Gunma Prefecture, who was past away when I visited. I selection only one piece to gaze his existence, but from my distance.

Curation: Tomoyuki Mitsui
Production: Yasuko Hayashi / Atsuko Ninagawa
CAS Contemporary Art and Spirits, Osaka

Already Made

4 images of strage room of former Walter Hopps house.
Mural Roses for Brides
Pink Wheel by Jason Rhoades
Caption of Large Glass, Marcel Duchamp as American made by Pasadena Museum (Actually Norton Simon Museum)

Combine Gallery, Los Angeles
Special thanks : Jason Rhoades / Song Keating / Max Kuo

This exhibition was homage to Marcel Duchan which I had met his caption as American in Philadelphia Museum of Art. Pasadena Art Museum had opened first retrospective exhibition of Marcel Duchamp in American continents curated by Walter Hopps. Jason Rhoades talked me that his former house where Hopps had lived were remained one Bicycle Wheel. But when I went, it was gone.

After I told that, Jason made me one Pink Wheel with PieRoeForm according to me, the bride had to naked to participate to wedding as it´s caption.

Opening of the First Chapter -Already made-

Foto : Gonzalo Lebrija
OPA (Oficina de Proyecto de Arte), Guadalajara, Mexico

Pink Wheel, (made by Jason Rhoades)
Flowers, 1111 ceramic pieces
Brides, wood, oil painting, silicon, toys
Alegría #1,#2,#3,#4, yesso, cray, silicon,
Opening of the First Chapter, document video 35 min.
Flower Flour, video, 5 min. 35 sec./cookies
Where you were.  lightjet print, wood box with glass, set of 4
Rich Nature #1, C-print, mounted on proxi glass

Duchamp, Marcel, American
The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even
(The Large Glass)1915-23
caption made by Pasadena Art Museum(Norton Simon Museum), Los Angeles, copy of the original caption in Philadelphia Museum of Art

Mounted on aluminium
150 x 100cm

This image captured the Datsun (old japanese car) at center of the livingroom when it´s owner come back from the work. The family sit in a happy circle with it.


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